Monday, June 18, 2012

"Happy Monte Day!"

Yesterday I spent an amazing day with my father doing basically nothing but hey it seemed to suit us perfectly fine! We opened presents of course including tickets to Bill Maher's comedy act last night. But I think the best present he got was tokens for the batting cages at FunTyme. It's a weird thing that he likes to do, seeing as how he NEVER played baseball. From day to day he likes to go hit some balls to blow off some steam and stress, which I am pretty sure the majority of comes from moi. So I thought I would help him out and cheer him on.

There are a lot of great dads out there but honestly I wouldn't want any other one. My dad is the one that plays both parental roles when he needs to and backs out when he knows it's not his time. He supports me and my sister in whatever we do including both of us moving far away for school. He realizes the weird parts in me and shares them to the world like they are my greatest qualities because to him they are. I would be so lost without my father and I am so lucky to have one that does so much for me without asking anything in return.

So what i'm trying to say is.... I Love You Dad.

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